Heather Gray: Signing the Times

PITTSBURGH (PTTP)- Heather Gray is a notable alumna of the University of Pittsburgh who graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication in 2000. She is an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter who has dedicated her career to making the world more accessible for Deaf people. Gray first became interested in American Sign Language when her Pathfinder tour guide for the University of Pittsburgh introduced themselves in ASL. She further pursued it by joining Beautiful Hands, a group led by Karen Walkney-Mrdjenovich, that performed songs in sign language.

Gray is the co-founder and executive producer at Silent Visual Media, an entertainment company whose goal is to elevate Deaf representation in the entertainment industry. Additionally, she has interpreted hundreds of live theatre performances. Silent Visual Media produced SignTasTic!, an ASL game show that began as a card game created by Daniel Cook. Gray was the executive producer and co-host of the show, which was filmed at WQED in January of 2022. Each episode consists of three rounds and a minigame, and contestants have to learn fifty signs. “We’re really just trying to educate people and bridge the gap between the hearing and Deaf communities,” says Gray.

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