Upcoming Caucus

PITTSBURGH, PA (PTTP) –  Michigan held its Presidential Primary on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024. President Joe Biden gained 115 delegates and former President Donald Trump gained 12 delegates. Republican Nikki Haley gained 4 delegates.

Michigan split its Republican Caucus into two days; Tuesday and Saturday. Sixteen Republican delegates voted on Tuesday while the other 39 will vote on Saturday.

With a law that came out in 2022, Missouri counties are no longer responsible for conducting Presidential preference primaries. Registered Republicans and unaffiliated voters have the opportunity to send delegates to the Republican National Convention in July 2024. Registered voters can vote for Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, or David Stuckenberg.

Idaho has six candidates on their ballot for whom people can vote, although three candidates dropped out. Registered Idaho voters can vote for Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, or Ryan Binkley. This is the first time Idaho has hosted a Republican caucus since 2012.

To win the Republican Party’s nomination, candidates must receive 1,215 delegates.

Credit: CBS