The Pitt News Rundown

On Monday April 8, The Mock Trial club at Pitt partnered with Free the Facts, a nonprofit organization that educates students on public policy issues. Free the Facts gave a presentation at Nordy’s Place that featured keynote speaker Thomas Fodor, who is a police associate for Free the Facts. The presentation mostly focused on the financial infrastructure of America, and issues that the average person faces in it. Events like these help to showcase organizations like these at Pitt that can be useful to students. 

Credit: Liam Sullivan

Joan Gabel was formally inaugurated as the University of Pittsburgh’s 19th Chancellor after being elected back in July 2023. Gabel graduated from Haverford College in 1988 and achieved a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Georgia in 1993. After working at numerous universities, she know finds herself as Pitt’s 19th Chancellor. She is the first female Chancellor in Pitt’s history, and she aims to showcase the importance of remembering history but also looking towards to the future. 

Credit: Ethan Shulman

Between April 6, and April 14, Pitt Stages produced the Spring Awakening at the Charity Randall Theatre. Ricardo Vila-Roger, the Department of Theatre Arts faculty member directed the show and senior Hayden Bobbyn starred alongside senior Gabriella Walks and first year Andy Levin. The show also featured music and lyrics written by Duncan Sheik and book and lyrics written by Steven Sater. After a weeks worth of outstanding performances, the show aims to gain recognition on important subjects like suicide and abortion. 

Credit: Pitt Stages