Graduating Seniors: It is Time for Graduation Central 

Credit: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

PITTSBURGH, PA (PTTP)- It’s graduation season! This past week, the University Store on Fifth Avenue was hosting an event called Graduation Central. Graduation Central had caps, gowns, and honor cords for seniors to pick up. Along with this, they helped students order their class ring and had tons of other fun events with the chance to win cool prizes. The store also carries extras that might add to your graduation experience such as diploma frames and Pitt alumni merch. In-store and online orders to purchase their regalia opened on Thursday, April 11th

After graduation, consider recycling your regalia that is made from PET. Through the University of Pittsburgh, you can bring your regalia to the University Store between April 30th through Mary 31st. There will be regalia recycling collection bins within the store. The caps and gowns are collected through a program that turns them into rugs and bedding. 

Congratulations to all the graduating seniors!