Michelle Lichtstein

Michelle Lichtstein is a sophomore at Pitt studying Film and Media Studies and History. In addition, Michelle is focusing on Digital Media and TV and Broadcast Arts.

Michelle is from Livingston, New Jersey, where she was lucky enough to attend Livingston High School’s television production program. In that program, Michelle fell head over heels for everything TV Production. In high school, she was able to direct and produce local broadcasts.

Her passion led her to the University of Pittsburgh and its top-of-the-line TV studios. She is now an intern for Pitt Studios, where she has the opportunity to work in the control room for nationally broadcasted sporting events doing roles such as shading, technical directing, and audio. In addition, she has experience working at Fox News Media producing daily news stories.

At Pitt, she is on the executive board of the student-run monthly late-night talk show, Pitt Tonight. Outside of Television Production, Michelle loves being with her friends and family, as well as her three dogs, Murphy, Sully, and Rico.