The Pitt News rundown
PITTSBURGH (PTTP) – Pitt to the Point collaborates with The Pitt News to share their top three stories for the week. The 3-1 spring game win of Pitt volleyball against….
PITTSBURGH (PTTP) – Pitt to the Point collaborates with The Pitt News to share their top three stories for the week. The 3-1 spring game win of Pitt volleyball against….
JOHNSTOWN, Pa (PTTP) – For most people, SPACE likely means a vast area filled with stars, planets, and black holes that spans across the universe. At Pitt-Johnstown, SPACE stands for….
PITTSBURGH (PTTP) – Jon Hill is a Pitt Alumni (2005) and an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker. His debut feature-length film “Above the Clouds” is a story about the loss of a….
PITTSBURGH (PTTP) – The month of April is considered a holy month for many religions and contains several observances where people come together and share the experience of celebrating their….
On March 30, 2023 the Pittsburgh Pirates opened their season close to home at an away game in Ohio against the Cincinnati Reds. This year the Pirates bring back outfielder….
911 dispatchers across Pennsylvania and across the country received dozens of AI-generated swatting calls on Wednesday, leading to shutdowns and panic as police determined all of the calls were hoaxes…..
PITTSBURGH (PTTP) – Nicole Rudolph, newly instated Jeopardy champion and Pitt Alum (1993). Today, she is the Associate Dean for Student Engagement at Adelphi University in New York, and a….
GREENSBURG, Pa (PTTP) – Women’s History Month is ending soon, but the Pitt-Greensburg Theatre Company is still celebrating with their spring 2023 production of “Talking With…”. This 80-minute show is….