Pitt Theater Arts Starts New Show Wednesday

PITTSBURGH, Pa (PTTP) – The University of Pittsburgh Department of Theater Arts kicks off their production of A New Brain this coming Wednesday, February 23rd, and will run through Sunday, February 27th at the Charity Randall Theater. 

Image via Pitt Stages

The show initially was meant to run this past weekend as well, but due to complications with COVID-19, the start of the show had to be delayed to Wednesday. The actors in the show will be masked during the performances and they will also be maintaining social distance, though there is still staging and dancing involved in the production. Cast member Nandita Mahesh had this to say about the guidelines, “I think it does make eye contact a lot more meaningful.” 

A New Brain represents the first time that many of the actors have been able to be a part of a live, in-person musical since before the pandemic. “It’s like having a little family”, Mahesh said on being a part of the production. Tickets for A New Brain are available now at play.pitt.edu.