The Pitt News rundown

Pittsburgh, PA (PTTP) – Pitt to the Point collaborates with The Pitt News to broadcast three of their top stories.  

A student-created organization is launching a web app. Greatings, which was previously titled Potluck, connects students over in-person meals. Members can join groups and discussion boards to plan over their shared love of food. The Greatings web app will be released in March. Follow @joingreatings on Instagram for more information on their upcoming release.

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Have you ever wondered what happened to the pigeons that frequented the newly non-existent parklet on Fifth Avenue? According to Pitt’s bird and ornithology club, the pigeons will be fine without the green space. In addition, a University spokesman said that once the construction is over, Pitt will focus on making more habitats for the pigeons. The pigeons now can usually be seen on top of the nearby Citizens Bank.

Read the full story here –  

Pitt’s College of General Studies released a new certificate this semester. Students can now earn a certificate in disability studies. The eighteen credit certificate aims to give students an interdisciplinary view of disability studies. Eight different departments provide classes within the certificate and there are already around ten students who have declared the certificate. 

Read the full story here –  

The Pitt News Staff Writer Jamie Sheppard gave us an in-depth view of her story on Greatings. Sheppard explained her passion for writing cultural stories, especially ones that affect students. In addition, she strongly believes that Greatings can make a positive impact on a student’s life, especially anyone who may be struggling to make connections with other students.