Studio Four One Two – A Community of Writers and Artists

PITTSBURGH, PA (PTTP) – Studio Four One Two is Pitt’s lifestyle blog and magazine club, where members can be writers, graphic designers, photographers, and more. Over the past two years,
the club has been gaining more and more attraction because of their ability to encourage the
members to write and create pieces that are relatable and current to themselves.

President, Jameson Keebler, expresses, “The best thing about this club is that you have
endless opportunities within anything writing, graphics, design, art. It takes an army and it takes
all different kinds of artistic contributions.”

Every year, the club picks a theme to follow for the magazine that gets sold at the end of the
semester. This year the theme is all about youth, childhood, and nostalgia. Head editor and
assistant editor Kate Castello and Elisabeth Kay explain how they choose the stories that go into
the final magazine. “We like to pick the ones we feel have a lot of heart behind them, we feel like
they’re relatable, but also tell a unique perspective.”

Studio Four One Two is a place where people feel included and accepted, and a safe space for
those to express themselves in writing. Club member, Belle O’Hara, expresses, “It’s
important to have a creative outlet. It’s important to feel like you belong here on campus…Studio
Four One Two is important because you get a voice…”

On April 5, Studio Four One Two will be hosting its most anticipated event of the year, the
Thrift Swap. It will happen from 2-5 p.m. in Quad 3. Make sure to check it out.
To see all of the published articles, check out

Credit” Studio Four One Two, Jillian Rowan