Sustainability and Environmental Justice  

PITTSBURGH (PTTP) – The University of Pittsburgh is implementing groundbreaking multidisciplinary research between environmental justice and sustainability. There are several events being put together throughout this semester to educate faculty, staff, and our community, in entertaining ways.  

Environmental justice does not have a universally accepted definition, but it has become a multidisciplinary academic pursuit. It can be beneficial to look at environmental justice through a lens of environmental injustice as well. According to Tina Ndoh and her research, environmental hazards occur in proximity to low income and minority communities. Pittsburgh has some of the worst air quality in the nation, so this is of utmost importance to local communities.  

Within the sustainability committee at Pitt, there is a subgroup called “thriving futures in the face of regional change”. Pittsburgh is facing economic, environmental, and healthcare changes, and this subgroup supports healthy thriving communities within these changes.  

The University of Pittsburgh is taking action and hosting several events to bring light to environmental justice research.  To highlight some of these events, they are implementing a “Green Speakeasy research series” and an “Asthma, Air Quality, and Environmental Justice Training”. The speakeasy will have four events on campus which will incorporate local organizations and will match research themes. The upcoming speakeasy will be focusing on environmental discourse.  The “Asthma, Air Quality, and Environmental Justice Training” will be an educational event teaching you about ways to protect your health and improve the air quality around you.