Black Action Society recognizes need for unity among students

Pittsburgh, PA (PTTP) – It is the last week of February, Black History Month, when the United States shares, celebrates, and understands the impact of black history and culture. The Black Action Society is a club at the University of Pittsburgh that acknowledges the value of diversity in the black student body and recognizes the need for unity among black students.  

The Black Action Society coordinates events, provides opportunities, and represents the interests of black undergraduates. Students can turn to the organization for support and feel a sense of comfort and community in this group.  

Especially this month recognizing Black History, Black Action Society has hosted a variety of events from karaoke to important group discussions regarding topics such as police brutality. Students of all backgrounds are encouraged to participate in future opportunities.  

For more specific details about future events and information on this organization, students can go to the Black Action Society Twitter and Instagram (@PittBAS).