Biden in Company raise $26 million in One Night for his Re-election Campaign

PITTSBURGH, PA (PTTP) – Thursday night on March 28, President Joe Biden was joined with
Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to fundraise for the 2024 presidential election
in New York City. This was designed in hopes for Biden to win his second consecutive term of
presidency as he faces Former President Donald Trump in a 2020 presidential election rematch.

Biden in company raised $26 million in just one night and gained 500 new donors in the
process. This now adds to a sum of $97.5 million Biden and the Democratic National committee
have in cash.

Money was raised through standard tickets starting at $500, higher end experiences and
tickets ranging from $250,000 to $500,000 and a picture with all three presidents for $100,000.
With these prices Biden was able to fundraise $26 million very quickly.

Biden has now increased his total campaign cash to nearly $100 million, while Trump
posted his $175 million bail to the state of New York on April 1.

Trump has grown ideas of how to top Biden’s campaigning and grow his cash for
campaigning efforts until November. Rumblings of a Mar- a -Lago fundraiser may be in the
works to compete against President Joe Biden. This event would be held at his Mar-a – Lago
estate in hopes to march and exceed the $26 million Biden has collected.

Photo Credit: The Morganton News Herald