FDA Approves New App to Treat Depression 

PITTSBURGH (PTTP) – The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the first app to treat depression. The app, Rejoyn, will require a prescription from a clinician in order to be used. Users must be 22 years or older and have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder to qualify for the prescription.  

Rejoyn is an app that uses a treatment program to help in treating depression. The program lasts a total of six weeks. It focuses on the brain’s ability to redirect and alter synaptic connections to reduce the symptoms. This is different from other treatments that focus on the neurochemical imbalances in the brain. Each week of the program is broken up into six tasks, three brain exercises and three therapeutic lessons. After the six-week program ends, you have access to the therapeutic lessons for an additional four weeks before your access ends. 

The FDA completed a study consisting of a 13-week trial with 389 participants of the app before approving it of public use. They found that the users saw an improvement in their depression symptom severity. They found no risks in using the app as the small effects leads to little risks. 

Rejoyn is expected to be available this summer to anyone who qualifies and receives a prescription to use the app. 

For more information, please visit: www.rejoynhcp.com 

Credit: Rejoyn