Two Years After Fern Hollow Bridge Collapse, ‘Should never have happened’ Investigators Say

PITTSBURGH (PTTP) — It’s been a total of 754 days since the collapse of the Fern Hollow Bridge
and the National Transportation Safety Board says the incident was preventable and should’ve
never happened.

NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy says after investigation it could have been prevented. “We are
so sorry you experienced such a terrifying event. As you will hear today, the Fern Hollow Bridge
collapse should never have happened. Your injuries both physical and psychological should
never have occurred,” Homendy said.

Investigators showed that the neglect from the city resulted in the collapse of the bridge.
With 16 years of city inspection, the bridge needed immediate closure and repair which the
city failed to do. The collapse was a result of severe corrosion that affected the bridge’s
legs, where the one leg on the west side of the bridge gave out.

The city also received criticism due to the lack of attention to unclogged sewer drains that
allowed old water and debris to increase the corrosion on the bridge.

In 2009, the bridge was found to have deteriorated beams and cables and never attended
to the bridge. Victims of the incident believe it was preventable and feel failed by the city
because of the various complaints over the years, they have no remorse towards the city’s