Trump Announces Plan for Abortion Rights

PITTSBURGH, PA (PTTP) – Former president Donald Trump announced his abortion plans on Monday morning April 8. Trump has vowed to share his abortion plans for quite some time now as he claimed his stance would agree with the general public.

On Monday, Trump stated that he will leave the decision of abortion up to each individual state rather than mandating it at a federal level. When Trump was president between 2016 to 2020 he appointed three supreme court justices that gave favor to overturning Roe vs Wade in June 2022. This prompted several states to change their abortion policies to be more restrictive.

Abortion has been a polarized topic in politics and in the medical profession. It continues to be a major topic for presidential candidates. Trump’s original statement about abortion was to be around a 15 to 16 week cutoff but he was vague in making his most recent stance on a week limit for women to receive an abortion. But, Trump has repeated prior statements in saying that he is “strongly in favor” of exceptions for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother.

Trump’s stance and statements will later be determined to be favorable to unfavorable to his pollings with upcoming state primaries and ultimately the election in November.

Credit: CBS