ASL Gameshow, SignTasTic, films its Final Episode at WQED

Pittsburgh, Pa (PTTP) — Brand new game show, SignTasTic, filmed its eleventh episode at WQED on January 1st, 2022.

Dan Cook is a deaf gameshow host, who hosts the show. A game show all about learning sign language, in an effort to further bring the hearing and deaf community together.

The show gives out a 5000 dollar cash prize for winning, and the competition goes in three rounds.

During the first, contestants simply name the sign being shown. In the second round, a deaf actor acts out a scene using three signs, which contestants have to guess. And the third round is the same as the second, however with 5000 at stake.

SignTasTic’s Game Show Host, Dan Cook signs to the camera while introducing the final episode of SignTasTic. (Photo by Kaycee Orwig/Pitt To The Point)

Cook hopes that this show will be impactful for the hearing community, and hopes that they will understand the struggles of deaf people throughout the world today. What better way to unite the hearing and deaf community through a fun-loving family game show.

Cook’s signs during the game show to convey a meaningful message, “all languages matter.”